Meditation Experiences

I feel like big burden has been taken off from me.
I discarded my mind every day and it made me feel free day by day. The world seemed better and even people seemed nicer. I can’t describe this amazing feeling I had for the first time in my life. I feel like big burden has been taken off from me.

I am very happy.
“A commonality between a robot’s brain and a human mind is that it is healthier when it is erased and discarded.”
Brooks Automation, a first-ranking robot making company in the United States, is famous for producing precise and comprehensive robots. Choi Choon-bo(61) was a senior managing director and also worked as a research scientist to develop a robot’s brain. The robot software development team she managed became the world-best development team and known as ‘a small United Nations.’ Starting to study engineering at 40 years of age, she entered Brooks Automation to rise to the position of senior managing director as an Asian woman in 4 years. She received salary that was equal to highest income earners (upper 5%) in America; and was recognized for her superb performances. She started subtraction meditation when she was searching for answers to unsolvable fundamental questions of life.
“There will be less days to live than days I had lived.” In 2002, at 50 years of age, I thought this all of sudden. I thought that I should live a life of service following God’s will with the life I had left. I wanted to start, but I did not know where to begin. Most of all, my mind was not ready to start at all. I should humble myself to serve others, but I wasn’t ready. I read good books and sought out good lectures, but it didn’t work.
After 7 years of searching, I read a book about this meditation. “Emptying the mind” left impression on my mind and in July of 2010, I took a break from work to go to the meditatio main center in Korean.
I always thought I had lived a good life. It was tough when I had gotten divorced with two marriages, but since finding my path with engineering at forty years old, things were relatively easy.
At forty, I majored in engineering at University of Massachusetts and graduated in 3 years to work as an entry employee at Brooks Automation at forty-three. I worked day and night because my research work with robot was so much fun. It was a rare event for this company to promote an entry-level employee to a managing director in 4 years.
But all things in my life were about endorsing me and I was working hard only for me; as soon as I knew this, I was ashamed. I prayed, please let me throw away this ‘self-conceit,’ as I meditated. Superiority, inferiority, worries about aging…. as I threw those minds away, at one point, my mind was so much at ease. Ah, this is freedom and happiness…. and I was enlightened to my original self. Ah, I did not exist originally, the Universe is me. In that original place, there were no pain, no worries, no superiority, no inferiority… I was so thankful that I could live as one with the original self.
◀◀ As a robot receives command through its brain and nerve connections, in a human being, it is similar. Choon-bo Choi drew simple pictures of its structures to illustrate. If the robot continues to accumulate its memory within its controller, it stops working due to overload and for the human being it is the same.
◀ Choon-bo Choi in front of an automated system at work 17 years ago. It was a photo from her company’s newletter.
After I returned to America, I continued my meditation. Meditating diligently, my health was better. I stopped taking my stomach medication I was taking for last 15 years and paralysis of my left side of body was gone. Maybe this was because I was a scientist. I was happy but was wondering about connection between body and mind, how the body gets better when throwing out the mind; I also got to understand this while I was meditating.
A ‘memory leak’ is the most severe bug a robot can have. Simply explained, a robot must clean a ‘random access memory’ of a previous job in order to do next job well; but with the memory leak, it cannot erase them all and leaves a bit at a time. Then later on, the robot’s brain gets filled and it stops working. In order to reset robots, the companies such as Brooks will lose millions of dollars; and many companies invest incredible amount of money to fix such memory leak. At my company, through a meticulous research, we completely fixed this bug. So our robots are the world-best.
And human beings are also similar. Without throwing out the mind and continuing to accumulate, the brain cannot function properly. Within the human brain, there are billions of brain cells and each has an axon and dendrites; each dendrite receives information from axons through synapses. Alzheimer’s patients are shown to have garbled dendrites upon brain analyses. Synapses are all disconnected from dendrites and axons, so there is no communication of any commands.
If the memory leak is the greatest bug in the robot, the human being’s greatest bug is ‘taking and accumulating of one’s own mind-pictures.’ Since birth, through eyes, nose, ears, mouth and body, we live taking self-centered pictures and as it fills out, the bug happens in our body and mind. But when those pictures are taken out, one returns to the original self, and can live healthy according to God’s programming and the nature’s flow.
Once I understood the logic, I felt this meditation’s method was really great. Since the history of mankind, this is the first place where such mind-subtraction method was clearly and explicitly taught. The most joyful was that through this meditation, I met the real God. I found that I had my own images about even God in my mind; it was the way I wanted to visualize God. But only when I threw away all of my ideas and habits, I was able to meet God. In Bible, there is a saying ‘one who sees God, dies’; I was so happy when I was enlightened to its meaning – it means once I throw away the ‘self,’ then I am reborn as a God’s child.
I am very happy. It does not compare to any other joy or happiness I had felt before. Now I am ready to serve others. Because we are one, I do not have to be ‘humble’; naturally I can live knowing how precious others are. I was so excited after I quit my job. Now I can live in a new world beyond my life as a woman, and a scientist. I am delighted when I could see clearly how to live and for what (laugh). I want to live helping others find out and practice this method, scientists and other people. I want to live sharing love; watching someone get brighter and more at ease.
Thank you.
Source: Meditation Life Monthly Magazine

It starts with this message
It starts with this message – Just try it; Do it sincerely, simply, innocently. There are many things this meditation has helped me with – focus, clarity, concentration as well as reduce stress. However, these pale in comparison to the profound peace in knowing my true self. I promise you your life will never be the same

I Immediately Knew I Had Struck Gold!
I had previously read that the reason for why we humans suffer is because of our mind. It did make sense to me but nobody had any method to discard the mind.
When I found a pamphlet describing this meditation which has the method to get rid of the mind, I immediately knew I had struck gold!
During the meditation process, I realized that the method is not simply for solving problems of anxiety, resentment, depression, etc. but that there is a far more superior goal – to reach Truth, to become one with the Truth.
I have just finished the whole meditation program and am preparing for completion education, where one becomes complete. I’m really looking forward to it.
I feel truly blessed! I am very grateful to the founder of the method, Woo Myung, and to the whole organization. In the main center in Korea, they have interpreters for all lectures, just for us non-Koreans. And another fantastic thing is all the local centers scattered around the world.
Hopefully, everyone in the world will meet this method so that they subtract their minds which make them suffer.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!

Feel lighter, less scared about death, slept better
Hello! I’m Sophak, from Cambodia.
Thanks to my meditation helper, Sunny, for encouraging me to share my testimony here.
As the topic today is about worry, I’m going to tell you the story of my real-life one. I grew up happily with my two siblings in a small province in Cambodia. Our parents were kind and loving and we had the best childhood memory.
Later, I had a chance to study at the University and a Scholarship for my master’s degree in Japan, got married, and had a lovely son, which was another great memory for me.
I think my life went pretty smoothly, until one day my father got sick and losing him had suddenly given me a lot of question marks about life.
Why do I live?
How much more sorrow do I have to face as I grow older?
As a mother myself, I began to ask questions what would happen if one day I got suddenly sick and left my children. I started doubting my health, and having insomnia and anxiety symptoms. I got stomach upset, fatigue, and headache, and kept seeing many doctors who told me I was physically well.
Thus, I tried to exercise everyday which helped me sleep better, but my worry never left me. It came back from time to time, and was added up with other daily worry like Covid 19, kids’ well-being, their studies, food’s safety, etc.
I would feel better after talking to my sister or husband but didn’t last long before all of those worries kicked in again. I felt selfish to always run to my sister or husband to talk out about my issues as I understood that they might also have a lot on their plates as well.
That time I saw my sister doing meditation so I asked her how it had helped her and she recommended me to try and join. Until now, it’s been 7 months since I decided to be a member of Phnom Penh meditation center. I love this meditation for I have my own black hole to throw away all my worries and fake pictures from my human mind. It has made me feel lighter, less scared about death and I have slept better.
When negative thought come to me, I have a way of dealing with it through our meditation method. It has opened my eyes to learn about truth and how to reach Truth while I am still alive, the hope of living happily eternally if we trust it. I would recommend this mediation to anyone.

Stop thinking too much but take actions
Hello everyone, I’m Bunsong and I hope you are doing great.
I’m glade to meet and be with you as a member of Phnom Penh meditation here. So far, I have joint meditation again about for 4 months and now I’m in early stage of Habit Class.
What make me to decide to do meditation?
Honestly, I was so stressful as my own business as it doesn’t work well during this pandemic times. I have a problem of insomnia that I can’t sleep well at night and in my brain keep thinking lot of worry, doubtful things and sadness. Day by day, my body becomes sick and lazy. Beside business issues, I also faced family relationships problem that it makes my condition even worst. If look at photo in my mobile phone, physically I can notice that my face look sad and dark.
However, I’m thinking of way out to help myself as soon as possible. I feel universe still give me a chance to do meditation again and I started to contact Helper Sunny. I keep doing meditation as daily by 2 times per day and visit center sometimes. Surely, I can see some changes happen on me as I can sleep better at night, my inside sadness start to reduce down step by step. Surprisingly, I care to think of new self good habits and get rid of bad habits. I care to eat healthy, do exercise daily, get up early at 5:00AM & join miracles morning program with members, writing dairy, be patient and kind to people around. I commits to stop drinking alcohol, eating unhealthy food, taking things for granted, and stop thinking too much but take actions.
I don’t say that now I can solve all my current hard situation yet. But I am a bit happy and my face look more bright and my body also not much heavy as before I do meditation. I would like to say big thank you to true universe, all helpers, especially Ms Sunny for helping me a lot . I believe that being with truth in life, the truth will help me to get through all complexities.
I pray “After the storm days gone, the sunrise days will come.”
I will keep doing meditation till the end. Thank you and have a good day everyone.

Become a better version of myself and free from worry and stress.
I’m Sandra Bos. Nice to meet you here.
I have been practicing this meditation method of 1,5 year and it has truly changed my life.
The reason for me to join this meditation was to find a solution for my sleeping problems that had gradually built up over the past years. I used to be awake for hours, worrying about things that had happened in the past, that were happening in my current life and that could potentially happen in the future. Too often, I would skip a complete night of sleep. I became so exhausted at work and at home, that I couldn’t be a good colleague or a good mum to my children. My days became an emotional challenge, and I started to get really worried about my future, as these problems never seemed to end.
As soon as I signed up for the meditation, my sleeping problems were easily solved. Whenever they pop up, I use the method to throw away all the worries in my head. The meditation method has given me so many more benefits in my life. Before I always felt like a victim of my own situation, blaming others or my environment when something bad would happen.
Through the meditation, I learned how to reflect on myself and I now know that everything is my own fault and I am responsible for my own situation. I guess I was always waiting for someone or something that would come and change my life. Now I know that the only person that can do that is me.
I also found answers about God and the purpose of life. I never really believed in anything and didn’t feel comfortable being part of any religion. The method has shown me that I don’t have to look outside to find God. I can find it within myself by discarding all my karma, habits, and body that have been blocking me from living in the true world.
I am grateful that I have been able to peel off some of the pictures and habits. Life has become lighter. I still have a long way to go. The positive impact it had so far keeps me motivated to continue with the meditation. I am very excited to become a better version of myself and eventually find my true self and live in the true world free from worry and stress.
Looking back over the past year, my life has changed for the better. I am grateful for the method and all the good things that have happened to me. Just by meditation!

This is such a great achievement in life which I’d love to share to people around me.
Before I was full of burden, stress, less focus, insomnia, bad eating habits, hot temper, lots of negative mind come up, always put others first, pressure myself, always give myself a hard time on doing work and earn money. I also start to meditate by just search on internet by myself without proper method. I came to Sunny to start meditated in May 2021 during the pandemic and lockdown in Phnom Penh,
And now I am in habits class. I learn and get lots benefit from this meditation. I got great friends and team accompanying me to do this study together diligently and patients. Thankful to my friend Chhanak for recommend me.
And thankful to my helper Sunny that always guide and patient with me during my meditate.
As now I notice I had change lots from my inner such as I am happier, always let go of things that bothers my mind, sleep well, wake up earlier and felt grateful to every little thing around me, I have more self-discipline, more energetic on completing my tasks.
My body felt lighter and movement. My skin looks brighter which I really appreciated and love myself more now. And you know what? All my friends and family all has said I look great now which always make me have a very wide smile on my face.
This is such a great achievement in life which I’d love to share to people around me.
My message to all newcomers please be patient and continue to do this meditate diligently. You’ll see result and the changing in you day by days.
Lastly, I’d love to thank you all for the encouragement and positive energy toward me during this journey. I will do this study until the end let’s do it and enjoy together.
Thank you so much